Tuesday, January 10, 2017

01/6/2017 - Auckland here we come!

Day of Week: Friday
Cities visited: Cambridge, Auckland
Lodging: AirBnB

When we woke up Friday morning we knew it was time to get Zach a doctor's appointment. So we got dressed, went downstairs, and enjoyed the B&B's two course breakfast feast of muesli followed by the traditional English breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, beans, and tomato. Zach also had tea with milk. With a little calling around we were able to make Zach a doctor's appointment in Auckland, then we hit the road for Auckland a day earlier than originally planned. We were originally going to Raglan for one night before getting to Auckland. Raglan, see you next time!

Our last multi-hour drive was that morning from Cambridge to Auckland and it was uneventful. First we picked up the contacts which was very quick, then Zach some prescription allergy medication with a friendly doctor who recommended some restaurants we could try. With Emma's sight and Zach's ease of breathing restored, we drove to our last-minute AirBnB in an outer neighborhood of Auckland.

We stayed with a family with two cute little kids. When we arrived at the house the little ones had just gotten out of the pool and were very cute. First Zach won over the 4-year-old daughter who enjoyed giving Zach high-fives. Once he saw his older sister doing it, the 2-year-old son overcame his shyness and got in a high five or two for himself.

One of the reasons we chose this AirBnB is because they have a sauna, which we enjoyed trying. After a shower we walked to dinner at Paradise Indian, which was recommended by our hosts and turned out to be one of Lonely Planet's suggested restaurants. The food was fantastic and opened our eyes (and taste buds) to how good biryani and a mango lassi can be.

After dinner Zach got a haircut. With Emma as his witness, Zach pointed to the middle aged Indian man just finishing up and said "I want what he has".

With a fully belly, sharp new haircut, and relieved lungs and throat, Zach fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. 

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